
So my company knowingly triggered my ptsd after being asked not to.

So, long story short, my husband had a massive stroke last month, and almost died. I took almost a month off work, and when I returned, they threw me into a position that hadn't existed, before I left. Also it wasn't my owned position, that I bid to. I had no prior knowledge til they walked up to be and told me I was doing it. I objected, being my second attempt to come back, the first one was also a failure, and that's when I decided to see some help and get on antidepressants. My doctor said I had ptsd from what happened to my husband. So I share this with my bosses when they first tried to move me, I told them that wasn't where I bid to, I'm not comfortable doing this. They completely ignored my request, triggering 4 panic attacks in 4 hours. I went home…

So, long story short, my husband had a massive stroke last month, and almost died. I took almost a month off work, and when I returned, they threw me into a position that hadn't existed, before I left. Also it wasn't my owned position, that I bid to. I had no prior knowledge til they walked up to be and told me I was doing it. I objected, being my second attempt to come back, the first one was also a failure, and that's when I decided to see some help and get on antidepressants. My doctor said I had ptsd from what happened to my husband. So I share this with my bosses when they first tried to move me, I told them that wasn't where I bid to, I'm not comfortable doing this. They completely ignored my request, triggering 4 panic attacks in 4 hours. I went home after 4 hours. I sent them and email, requesting to not be put back in there, and that my mental health couldn't take it. They didn't listen AGAIN. I'm on meds now btw, and it was a reasonable accommodation I felt. My husband, btw, is a supervisor at my factory, so they KNOW. So they attempted to again push me to the spot that was not mine, gaslighting me, saying it was always part of the plan (I've been there a year and a half, others have been there longer, we know this was spur of the moment, we were never notified) I told them “I asked you to respect my mental health right now, and you are not doing that, you know it triggers me.” They pushed and pushed. This time I didn't back down. After much arguing, I was able to work where I was comfortable, and I did well. I was pulled up into HR later that day, where they tried to gaslight and lie to me, pushing and pushing “what exactly triggers you?” This all of this! SO I turned in my 2 weeks notice. Btw my supervisor actually called at me through the bathroom stall door to take me to hr. Is it me or are they like way out of line?

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