
Am I wrong for asking for feedback?

I am a recent grad having a difficult time to find a job, to say the least. Today upon receiving another rejection, I sent a response thanking them for their consideration, and asking what I might be able to improve upon if I attempt to apply with the company again. I was quickly shut down with a “We don’t comment on hiring. Best to you.” Was I wrong to ask for feedback? I’m still new to this process, and just want others’ opinions on this type of thing.

I am a recent grad having a difficult time to find a job, to say the least. Today upon receiving another rejection, I sent a response thanking them for their consideration, and asking what I might be able to improve upon if I attempt to apply with the company again. I was quickly shut down with a “We don’t comment on hiring. Best to you.” Was I wrong to ask for feedback? I’m still new to this process, and just want others’ opinions on this type of thing.

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