
IT Director and HR Director issue

I’m in dire need of some advice. I just got the job I’m in now last summer and I really don’t want to leave but I’m not sure if I have any other options. My director (IT) is extremely belittling and controlling/micromanaging everything I do to the point where he contradicts his own wants since it always has to be “my fault” and never his. Nearly every other department here experiences the SAME problem I have with him. We’ve all gone to the HR Director to try and put a stop to his behavior but she won’t do anything! I was literally crying in her office as he was belittling me right in front of her and she said she didn’t see his behavior as wrong. There was even another HR lady but she’s actually leaving because she tried taking a stance on this guys behavior and was basically told…

I’m in dire need of some advice. I just got the job I’m in now last summer and I really don’t want to leave but I’m not sure if I have any other options.

My director (IT) is extremely belittling and controlling/micromanaging everything I do to the point where he contradicts his own wants since it always has to be “my fault” and never his. Nearly every other department here experiences the SAME problem I have with him. We’ve all gone to the HR Director to try and put a stop to his behavior but she won’t do anything! I was literally crying in her office as he was belittling me right in front of her and she said she didn’t see his behavior as wrong.

There was even another HR lady but she’s actually leaving because she tried taking a stance on this guys behavior and was basically told to “stay out of it”.

I really don’t want to change jobs AGAIN, I’ve had to move jobs nearly every year for one reason or another and I’m really sick of job hopping. I feel cornered.

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