I've only been here a month or so, and for the most part I like the job. It's a warehouse job and I just walk around alone all day picking orders. Most days we burn through all of the orders so quickly, and then there's nothing to do.
Me and several other employees spent a few hours yesterday just wandering around looking for something to do. It looks like today is gonna be the same, again.
I ask my supervisor for extra work, and he can't really give me anything either. The day just draaaaags on. I'm tired of sweeping the floor just to look busy. I try to work extra extra slow but it isn't slow enough to last for the entire day.
I almost want to quit. I like being busy. And I really don't mind this job, it's easy and laid back, hell I take so many breaks in the bathroom trying to stretch the time, no one cares much less notices. I'd rather not quit and potentially get a new job that I hate though, ugh.