
can you get fired after a suicide attempt?

This is on the behalf a friend. I don't know what the most appropriate subreddit would be. She recently attempted a paracetamol overdose and is currently in hospital due to potential liver failure. Her recovery could take up 3 months. What are the legal repercussions at her job? She works part time in retail. Extra context: – she has worked there for a little over two years. – she's 20. – it's a five person team. Manager, assistant manager, three sales assistants. She is a sales assistant. – last year, the assistant manager was off for around 6 months due to an gallbladder operation and recovery. – this is in England, UK.

This is on the behalf a friend. I don't know what the most appropriate subreddit would be.

She recently attempted a paracetamol overdose and is currently in hospital due to potential liver failure. Her recovery could take up 3 months.

What are the legal repercussions at her job? She works part time in retail.

Extra context:
– she has worked there for a little over two years.
– she's 20.
– it's a five person team. Manager, assistant manager, three sales assistants. She is a sales assistant.
– last year, the assistant manager was off for around 6 months due to an gallbladder operation and recovery.
– this is in England, UK.

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