
done the dirty on my boss today

I've worked for this company for 4 years, I was comfortable safe secure but after 4 years I'm only on a few pence above minimum wage and wev no work and were made to just stand there for 8 hours, if there is work the boss and manager do it. I decided to look for a new job, issue is all my line of works jobs you have to go through pimps to get, and they want you to start immediately. I found a job for 13.14 per hour from the 9.50 per hour I'm on now, could only give my boss less than 2 days notice, my contract states 4 weeks notice. My boss threatened legal action but I phoned hr and they said they ain't gonna do shit. My boss was mad as hell. Take that biyatch. I feel bad but that's just conditioning. You wouldnt make an…

I've worked for this company for 4 years, I was comfortable safe secure but after 4 years I'm only on a few pence above minimum wage and wev no work and were made to just stand there for 8 hours, if there is work the boss and manager do it.

I decided to look for a new job, issue is all my line of works jobs you have to go through pimps to get, and they want you to start immediately.

I found a job for 13.14 per hour from the 9.50 per hour I'm on now, could only give my boss less than 2 days notice, my contract states 4 weeks notice.

My boss threatened legal action but I phoned hr and they said they ain't gonna do shit.

My boss was mad as hell.

Take that biyatch.

I feel bad but that's just conditioning.

You wouldnt make an animal stand around for 8 hours.

My boss and manager get off on the peasants standing to attention.

I'v informed my colleagues of what's out there, theyv give me their numbers.

Hopefuly they all leave then the big wig assholes will shut the department down then my boss and his b#& manager will be out on their asses.

My boss has pulled some real shady shite, this is just one small thing but I asked a few weeks ago to combine my break with lunch cus I had to make a call, a f$%ing month later my boss told my buddy to stop talking to me about chess (we were talking before work started) because apparantly I'd asked to combine break and lunch to play chess.

Weird assed controlling mf.

I confronted him about it as i always have with his cultish bs, I'm the only mf in the company with the balls to say anything to him, I created reform there, under the law of the jungle I was the boss.

But I'm done with that shite.

Moving on to the top gun of flt jobs, looks alot of fun, manager there is like a gunnery sergeant, I'm happy for that type of guy to be my leader, just hope I can step up to the plate.

Wish me luck!


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