
So I went to my shrink and she agrees that the system is crap.

So I went to my shrink and told her how my depression with ASD affected my work. So much I ended up in hospital for ideation. So I filed for SSI/SSDI and hope for the best. She's on board with that and we agreed that the concept of work as we know it today is broken. I'm looking forward to this as to be frank, work makes me sick. The pressure, the low wages… it's not good for my anxiety. My workplace is small and dysfunctional. People get hired and then quit sometime later. Most of the remaining crew, managers included, are self medicating with pot. You think this means we are mellow. Far from it. I mentioned this subreddit and she's more than intrigued, she's excited. She's in solidarity, folx. So hello to you if you are reading this. I got my excuse note and I got the support…

So I went to my shrink and told her how my depression with ASD affected my work. So much I ended up in hospital for ideation. So I filed for SSI/SSDI and hope for the best.

She's on board with that and we agreed that the concept of work as we know it today is broken.

I'm looking forward to this as to be frank, work makes me sick. The pressure, the low wages… it's not good for my anxiety. My workplace is small and dysfunctional. People get hired and then quit sometime later. Most of the remaining crew, managers included, are self medicating with pot. You think this means we are mellow. Far from it.

I mentioned this subreddit and she's more than intrigued, she's excited. She's in solidarity, folx. So hello to you if you are reading this. I got my excuse note and I got the support I need during the long wait.

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