
[Assistance needed] Boss “forgot” to come back and drive me home during bad weather, and left me trapped at work as the weather worsened. Need help getting lodging.

Early today at work the weather started changing and turned for the worst with the wind and snow picking up, my boss who was going out to deposit at the bank and check on another location, told me if the weather gets really bad he'll come back and drive me, but he needed me to make sure things were logged and inventory was finished by end of shift today in the back. While I was working on that, the weather got worse, and pretty much every business around closed and people were going home, and my attempts to contact him for about 2 hours were going to voice mail. When he finally called me back a few hours ago, he asked me “what do you want?” and I had to remind him what he told me, and he responded “I forgot, sorry. I'm sure you'll figure something out. Don't forget…

Early today at work the weather started changing and turned for the worst with the wind and snow picking up, my boss who was going out to deposit at the bank and check on another location, told me if the weather gets really bad he'll come back and drive me, but he needed me to make sure things were logged and inventory was finished by end of shift today in the back. While I was working on that, the weather got worse, and pretty much every business around closed and people were going home, and my attempts to contact him for about 2 hours were going to voice mail. When he finally called me back a few hours ago, he asked me “what do you want?” and I had to remind him what he told me, and he responded “I forgot, sorry. I'm sure you'll figure something out. Don't forget to submit inventory see you tomorrow.” and hung up the phone. He had no problem remembering to tell the later shift that he didn't have to come in to work today though.

My car needs to be repaired, so until then I haven't been driving to work, and I don't know anyone who could take his place (nor could they at this point given the weather is much worse now with more snow piled up creating bad road conditions, even if I did.) and he knows this, which is why he said he would come back and get me, but he “forgot” and just acted like it was a small mistake.

Reality is I am now currently TRAPPED in bad weather at work which to make matters worse, has had a partial power outage. Some lights work, none of the outlets work, which means the laptop (belonging to the store) is 3%, and my Smartphone which is a 1+ Nord phone, is draining fast and is at 19% even with the battery saver on.

Cars parked behind the dealer next door

Further uphill

These pictures were awhile ago, now it's much darker outside and the snow is even higher with the wind picking up, and things are getting gradually worse not giving me much time. Already when these pictures were taken visibility was bad, now it's darker outside and the visibility is worse with more snow on the ground. (Also Reddit is resizing my images for some reason, luckily they are still visible)

The urgency here is there is no heat in my workplace with the power outage, and being buried inside my store is not preferred. I've called 211 and emergency services and no one is going to be able to get down in this area and clear things until late overnight at the earliest. The main roads are inch to inch traffic, and they are busy trying to control the more accessible areas before having the resources to go further out.

There is a local non-chain hotel that costs $72 a night. My poor pay doesn't give me the luxury to spend that much in an emergency like this out of nowhere. It is the only close and relatively safe option to get to as the conditions are already getting pretty hazardous outside. The hotel itself won't let people hang around unless you pay (their lobby is covered up with the same coverings fast food like McDonalds used to prevent people from sitting down during covid, this hotel still hasn't opened up their lobby because of covid yet.) so this is where I need help. If anyone is ABLE to help with the $72 so I can get this night at the hotel until things are cleared by tomorrow, and it won't be a detriment to you to do so financially, I appreciate it greatly. I'm hoping someone can help me secure this hotel before the weather gets even worse, or my phone runs out of battery.

Separately, this situation my boss put me through who was already an asshole before today, isn't acceptable. Therefore it goes without saying that quitting in an aggressive manner is necessary. When I asked him to help with the hotel he turned off his phone, which now goes to voice mail, and won't respond to texts, so I don't feel bad at all. I want nothing to do with this employer ever again.

I need ideas for some choice statements to include in my resignation letter, comment below with any ideas. The resignation letter I will not only send to various emails at corporate, but also physical copies to my boss and regionals office. My boss also leaves his expensive iphone Pro Max out while busy unattended quite often, in an area someone could get to without being noticed. I figure I'll send the letter and quit proper the same day something unfortunate happens to his phone, I foresee a cracked screen making it inoperable or worse. I wonder how that will happen. Hmmm….

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