
Any “International (blank) Day” celebrated by a company is a farce

My workplace asked all the women in their teams to take a selfie to post on the company's social media for Women's Day. When I was asked to join I politely said “no, sorry, I've got too much work to do”. When all the women were assembled, one again tried to call me over, I said “I've already said no, sorry”. Then one woman had stayed in the office so the one organising the selfie went to get her. I happened to be in that office and again told me to join the photo, so I just said a loud, flat “No” and walked out of the room. Now I'm being given the cold shoulder for “being rude”. The truth is I wasn't busy, I just refuse to take part in their performative BS. My boss doesn't give a fig about Women's Day. Small example; I have 2 degrees and…

My workplace asked all the women in their teams to take a selfie to post on the company's social media for Women's Day. When I was asked to join I politely said “no, sorry, I've got too much work to do”. When all the women were assembled, one again tried to call me over, I said “I've already said no, sorry”. Then one woman had stayed in the office so the one organising the selfie went to get her. I happened to be in that office and again told me to join the photo, so I just said a loud, flat “No” and walked out of the room. Now I'm being given the cold shoulder for “being rude”.

The truth is I wasn't busy, I just refuse to take part in their performative BS. My boss doesn't give a fig about Women's Day. Small example; I have 2 degrees and get paid the same as a male colleague with no qualifications for a job I've been at longer. A female colleague in a role higher than him, also with qualifications, gets paid LESS than him.

It was the same at my previous job- R U OK?Day, they did a BBQ lunch (for those that didn't work through lunch- managers), handed out wrist bands and got a 'counsellor' (ie a pastor from the local church) to do 15 minute session with anyone struggling with mental health. The rest of the year? We were all underpaid, doing overtime with no additional compensation, some colleagues assaulted others and were given a warning and management had their accommodation paid for for every “retreat” while the rest of us had to pay our own way. And every “retreat” was basically and brainwashing camp of why our company was so great and we should never leave. They also organised a “cross-dressing night” at a function space for pride month, but agreed to work with a client that said they don't want any queer people working on their project.

This ended up longer than I meant it to, but it's so frustrating watching companies pretend to care when they actively work against these causes.

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