
Employer doesn’t want to pay for missed punches can they do that?

So a recent statement from the higher ups is that if you miss a punch they linger will fix it, if you don’t fix it with in 2hrs you won’t get paid. Now luckily I rarely miss punching in and out using the time clock so it won’t affect me but this just irked me royally. They are saying some one (and I’m thinking mostly the first job kids) will not get even though they worked their whole shift due to this and will just let it happen. Can they do this it doesn’t feel legal? And yes I get it one should just fucking clock in and out…it shouldn’t be that difficult to do but things do happen (as i understand it this came from a huge amount of ppl not doing this and expecting someone else to fix it or doing it themselves at the end of the…

So a recent statement from the higher ups is that if you miss a punch they linger will fix it, if you don’t fix it with in 2hrs you won’t get paid. Now luckily I rarely miss punching in and out using the time clock so it won’t affect me but this just irked me royally. They are saying some one (and I’m thinking mostly the first job kids) will not get even though they worked their whole shift due to this and will just let it happen. Can they do this it doesn’t feel legal? And yes I get it one should just fucking clock in and out…it shouldn’t be that difficult to do but things do happen (as i understand it this came from a huge amount of ppl not doing this and expecting someone else to fix it or doing it themselves at the end of the week…which still make extra work for our payroll person l). What also get me is it will punish the one person that once in 200punches they miss one don’t know they did and don’t keep their phone on them all the time just incase work calls. This may not be as bad as some but it’s just a long line of them just sucking the life out of us (grocery store). Thoughts? And I crazy for this pissing me off? When my boss told me this I said I didn’t think it was legal but she seemed angry that I was angry about this….she not store manager or anything just above my dept.

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