
Job search whiplash…

Just needed to laugh about this a little… interviewed for a job a couple weeks ago that I was pretty excited about, got the call the following Monday that I wasn't chosen to move forward. Tuesday rolls around and I get an email from the gentleman I interviewed with saying that although position A didn't work out, he thought I'd be a good fit for position B and would I like to come in for the second round of interviews that Friday. I of course said yes but unfortunately wound up with a hellacious fever and reached out Friday morning to reschedule (it's at a nursing home so I could not in good conscience show up in that state) and they were perfectly fine with it, set it up for this Tuesday. I get an email Monday night with an apology “but it looks like there was some confusion and…

Just needed to laugh about this a little… interviewed for a job a couple weeks ago that I was pretty excited about, got the call the following Monday that I wasn't chosen to move forward. Tuesday rolls around and I get an email from the gentleman I interviewed with saying that although position A didn't work out, he thought I'd be a good fit for position B and would I like to come in for the second round of interviews that Friday. I of course said yes but unfortunately wound up with a hellacious fever and reached out Friday morning to reschedule (it's at a nursing home so I could not in good conscience show up in that state) and they were perfectly fine with it, set it up for this Tuesday. I get an email Monday night with an apology “but it looks like there was some confusion and someone was already hired for position b” so interview canceled, naturally I'm bummed but okay we move on. Or so I thought… I get another email this morning asking if I would like to come in for an interview because after some changes in the department, they are still hiring for position A. Just hit two months unemployed today so I'm desperate and am going to take the opportunity but WOW. This better be worth all the red flags I'm ignoring…

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