
Wasted My Time At An Interview Because The Job Listing Wasn’t Accurate

I just want to vent for a moment. I applied at a plant nursery as a sales associate. I love plants and the job specifically said that plant knowledge is preferred, not required, and that the position required someone to have customer service, retail sales, and merchandising experience – which I have many years of experience in all of these areas. The owner starts by telling me the position “requires extensive indoor plant knowledge”. That was not reflected on the listing. She takes me outside and tells me the position “requires heavy knowledge of annuals”. That was not on the listing. The listing only says, “knowledge of interior plants is a plus.” She then starts asking me if I have experience using [names a bunch of things]. I tell her I don't know what those things are and she points to several large machines and says the position requires the…

I just want to vent for a moment.

I applied at a plant nursery as a sales associate. I love plants and the job specifically said that plant knowledge is preferred, not required, and that the position required someone to have customer service, retail sales, and merchandising experience – which I have many years of experience in all of these areas.

The owner starts by telling me the position “requires extensive indoor plant knowledge”. That was not reflected on the listing. She takes me outside and tells me the position “requires heavy knowledge of annuals”. That was not on the listing. The listing only says, “knowledge of interior plants is a plus.”

She then starts asking me if I have experience using [names a bunch of things]. I tell her I don't know what those things are and she points to several large machines and says the position requires the ability to operate heavy machinery. That is DEFINITELY not mentioned in the listing. She tells me at this time that it's not going to work out because the positions “REQUIRES” someone with extensive indoor/outdoor plant, tree, and shrub knowledge and experience with heavy machinery.

I want to bitch at her but I'm very non-confrontational and she's elderly. I'm also hormonal and had caffeine so I literally feel like I could fight a bear and win. So I just sit in my car and seethe that I drove 40min roundtrip for a 9min interview when I'm in a position where I feel guilty for filling my gas tank up fully because I'm just going into more debt. This could have all been resolved over the phone when they called to set up the interview.

I was very suddenly let go from my job in mid January, with almost no reason. And I haven't been hearing back from anyone. One place told me to tell them some dates and times I was available so they could interview me. Then they never responded again. I had an interview a few days ago that went great and I haven't heard anything yet. And now this. These are the only responses I've gotten in the past 2 months…

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