Sketchy things that happened that I was not okay with:
My supervisor asked if I could work on Sundays. I said no. She then asked what I do on Sundays for me to not be able to work.
One day my coworker started crying at work due to personal issues. My supervisor responded to this by saying “once you walk through that door, you need to put away all your personal problems and focus only on work, and you must smile at all times.”
When minimum wage increased, my boss texted the group chat and let those making minimum wage know that they were getting a fifty cent raise. She tried to hype everyone up about that. No one replied.
When I was promoted, I was told my pay would increase on a certain date. It did not. Instead, my hours were cut so I was doing more and earning less.
Anyways, friendly reminder to always set boundaries and never sell your soul to your job because they don’t care about you at the end of the day. I got a new job now that is a million times better!