
From “top candidate” to rejected over a personality test.

Two phone interviews and an in person interview. All went phenomenal. Clicked with the team I’d be working with, knocked out all their questions. Emailed them asking about moving forward to show interest and they said they had an “assessment” that wasn’t “pass/fail” Apparently it fucking was cause the day after completing the assessment I was notified they’d be moving forward with other candidates that aligned closer with their company values. I don’t even fucking know what to do at this point I’m just venting cause I’m depressed and angry. Side note anyone know how someone with a decade of maintenance experience can get into a work from home position? I’m done with this bullshit

Two phone interviews and an in person interview. All went phenomenal. Clicked with the team I’d be working with, knocked out all their questions.

Emailed them asking about moving forward to show interest and they said they had an “assessment” that wasn’t “pass/fail”

Apparently it fucking was cause the day after completing the assessment I was notified they’d be moving forward with other candidates that aligned closer with their company values.

I don’t even fucking know what to do at this point I’m just venting cause I’m depressed and angry.

Side note anyone know how someone with a decade of maintenance experience can get into a work from home position? I’m done with this bullshit

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