
How to deal with those toxic – I have no own life – co-workers?

I work as a software dev for 20 years in various different office settings. Now that everyone had being working remotely in their home offices you see mostly two different kind of people. Half of the people want in person work experiences with everyone coming in every day for every hour and then there are the other half who are absolutely fine working from home and simply doing a good job and getting stuff done. Those people that want everyone to have the in-person experience are usually second line people from management, HR or mediators (like scrum masters etc). The worst experience I had was a 40+ woman demanding everyone switching their camera on all the time, pushing actively for out of work team experiences (of cause unpaid) and all the other stuff. Reason is simple, no family, no kids, no partner, no pets, just boredom beside work for her.…

I work as a software dev for 20 years in various different office settings. Now that everyone had being working remotely in their home offices you see mostly two different kind of people. Half of the people want in person work experiences with everyone coming in every day for every hour and then there are the other half who are absolutely fine working from home and simply doing a good job and getting stuff done.

Those people that want everyone to have the in-person experience are usually second line people from management, HR or mediators (like scrum masters etc).

The worst experience I had was a 40+ woman demanding everyone switching their camera on all the time, pushing actively for out of work team experiences (of cause unpaid) and all the other stuff. Reason is simple, no family, no kids, no partner, no pets, just boredom beside work for her.

But by far she was not the only one and even men do this stuff. There is nothing one can pin it to any special trait or any special character streak.

Anyway this 40+ woman cost me my job since I quit since what the fuck. She found so many allies it was ridiculous and the others who did not agree basically remained silent.

Funny part thou, found a full remote job with the same payment just right afterwards. Took a while but its great.

Does anyone had any luck dealing with these peoples and remain at the job without everything turning into the fucked up pre Covid office experience?

I really have problems to understand why some people want all these stupid meetings and coworker talking left and right into you ears when you want to get stuff done… .

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