
per diam.

So I work for a company in Montana I have been there for over 8 years. About a half a year into me working there they took away our per diem, I travel there from another state. They took away our per diem because we lived in company housing and they said that was why. Fast forward to recently I found out they're still charging the companies we contract to per diem one of the head guys got really upset when he asked me if I got per diem and I said no. He said that he's not paying our company per diem anymore if it's not going to the employees. I did the math and it's a lot of money that I didn't get in Per diam. Can I do anything to get it back?

So I work for a company in Montana I have been there for over 8 years. About a half a year into me working there they took away our per diem, I travel there from another state. They took away our per diem because we lived in company housing and they said that was why. Fast forward to recently I found out they're still charging the companies we contract to per diem one of the head guys got really upset when he asked me if I got per diem and I said no. He said that he's not paying our company per diem anymore if it's not going to the employees. I did the math and it's a lot of money that I didn't get in Per diam. Can I do anything to get it back?

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