
I’m only capable of my best. (Vent)

Little backstory—I have significant chronic pain of the back, certain pressure points on my thighs, and sciatic nerves. Undiagnosed. I work sales through one of those third-party vendor jobs because no one else will hire me. Boss arrives at work yesterday, tells me all the things I’m doing wrong: I’m not meeting sales goals on the $400 home printers, I’m not getting people to sign up for ink subscriptions, my photos of customers with their purchases are all wrong in ways not previously explained, I’m not getting the store associates to do their product knowledge training videos, and sitting is a violation of company policy. Not a word of praise. Apparently I have the highest sales goal in the area for those printers and am 21 units behind for the month. I have sold three. No one wants an ink subscription prepaid card when their printer comes with a six…

Little backstory—I have significant chronic pain of the back, certain pressure points on my thighs, and sciatic nerves. Undiagnosed. I work sales through one of those third-party vendor jobs because no one else will hire me.

Boss arrives at work yesterday, tells me all the things I’m doing wrong: I’m not meeting sales goals on the $400 home printers, I’m not getting people to sign up for ink subscriptions, my photos of customers with their purchases are all wrong in ways not previously explained, I’m not getting the store associates to do their product knowledge training videos, and sitting is a violation of company policy. Not a word of praise.

Apparently I have the highest sales goal in the area for those printers and am 21 units behind for the month. I have sold three. No one wants an ink subscription prepaid card when their printer comes with a six month trial of the program. The picture thing was never explained. I have repeatedly asked associates for the training certs, but they can’t do them on the sales floor and…

“So you want me to ask them to work off the clock?” “It’s not work off the clock.” “Oh, so it’s counted in their time.” “No, they get Starbucks vouchers.” “Ssssooooooooo it’s working off the clock.” “They’re not working, it’s not work.”

Add to that the fact that there’s usually only one actual store associate for that entire half of the big box store on any day but Saturday during my hours.

And I am in pain, constantly. Easily a 5 at start of shift (on a good day) and a 7 by end. Nothing OTC works except for the one thing that aggravates my colitis. Sitting down is a policy violation? How is not being allowed to sit not an ADA violation? Consider that policy ripe for violation.

My boss gave me the “because you’re not good enough, it’s making me look bad” speech. How about you throw on some praise? All I need is one offer of equal pay and I’m out.

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