
Boss broke the rules around food preparation and got away with it

Since y’all liked my comment about my messed up fast food job I thought I would make another post regarding an incident that happened during 2020. Now I worked at a certain royal Burger chain That happens to use flame broiled meat. And for those of you who may not know this broiler is known to have issues. I am not sure if it is just this specific model or if and the company that makes them does shotty workmanship but nevertheless we had tons of issues with it. One important thing to note is that we had two different size patties for the meet and the larger size wall was what gave us the most trouble. Very often the large size would come out torn apart and we had to throw them away as we couldn’t sell them because we didn’t wanna deal with guests complaining about a ripped…

Since y’all liked my comment about my messed up fast food job I thought I would make another post regarding an incident that happened during 2020.

Now I worked at a certain royal Burger chain That happens to use flame broiled meat. And for those of you who may not know this broiler is known to have issues. I am not sure if it is just this specific model or if and the company that makes them does shotty workmanship but nevertheless we had tons of issues with it.

One important thing to note is that we had two different size patties for the meet and the larger size wall was what gave us the most trouble. Very often the large size would come out torn apart and we had to throw them away as we couldn’t sell them because we didn’t wanna deal with guests complaining about a ripped up Patty even though it was perfectly Edible. This was sold my flipping the patties sort of the cracks and then we’re facing up and away from the Chain that pulled the patties through the broiler.

The other issue was much more serious. During the summer months of 2020 the boiler would overheat. It was set at 600° and if It went past 650 you were supposed to take the patties off to let it cool down. One odd thing with this was that it was only the side that had the larger patties that had the issue. the side that could fit both the larger in the smaller patties as well as The grilled chicken patties at one time didn’t have any issues and never caught fire. As my general manager had no clue what was wrong with it is she nearly told me at first to switch them all the larger size patties over to the side that could do both the large and the small size. But since that wasn’t A good long-term solution considering how many people went through the drive-through over lunch she had to figure out another way to keep the broiler from overheating.

This was important as the boiler sometimes caught fire multiple times each day and on one memorable occasion went up to 900°. Her solution was to turn the broiler down below 600° to I think 400° and that is where it stayed for months. Anytime the district manager came in or we had an inspection from the food safety representative it would be turned up to its proper temperature in but after they were gone it would get turned right back down.

It was never reported to the health board and when I mentioned some concerns about it possibly exploding if It went to high I was brushed off. It eventually stopped catching fire so much around the end of the year though it did occasionally catch fire a couple other times over the last two years that I worked there. it was explained away by blaming the Night Shift for not being willing to clean up properly though management was so incompetent They apparently couldn’t get the Night Shift to listen to them to get them to clean it properly so it continued to happen periodically.

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