
Given the choice – Be fired or not be able to see only son preform

Context, I am a disabled 30-something-year-old POC who works in retail. I have a son (self identified) who just turned 6 and is a huge fan of Ru Paul. We watch it every night and honestly its the only thing I look forward to every night. Well recently I just got a new boss whos a major asshole and a BIGOT. I am one of the only POC at my establishment and ODDLY ENOUGH, I always get picked on and singled out and forced to work weekends. Last week my son found an advertisement for a drag event in the newspaper and really wanted to go. I thought it was a great idea for a child to experience that! I went into work happy for the first time in years, only to be met with my asshole boss, who INSISTED I work the weekend of the show. After I begged…

Context, I am a disabled 30-something-year-old POC who works in retail. I have a son (self identified) who just turned 6 and is a huge fan of Ru Paul. We watch it every night and honestly its the only thing I look forward to every night. Well recently I just got a new boss whos a major asshole and a BIGOT. I am one of the only POC at my establishment and ODDLY ENOUGH, I always get picked on and singled out and forced to work weekends. Last week my son found an advertisement for a drag event in the newspaper and really wanted to go. I thought it was a great idea for a child to experience that! I went into work happy for the first time in years, only to be met with my asshole boss, who INSISTED I work the weekend of the show. After I begged him to let me off, he finally asked why and I told him. The look on his face when I said I wanted to take my son to a drag show was horrifying. He looked at me like I was a bad mother somehow. He then told me that if I dont work the weekend, he would fire me the next monday. What the fuck

EDIT: grammar and spelling, non-native english speaker

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