
Bailing out private banks is not capitalism!

It's socialism for the rich! ​ End fiat currency and stop allowing bank bailouts for the rich and bad speculation! ​ Fiat currency is terrible for society, and is more of a cause stemming the roots for this group, than greedy bosses are! ​ Fiat currency = debt slavery! ​ Watch what food prices do in the next few weeks! Get ready for more price rises! ​ Inflation: the increase of money in circulation, leading to a rampant drop in its value and a rise in prices! ​ Allowing the government to take over these banks is terrible! Let them collapse and allow the free market to decide by meritocracy who the winners are! Don't let government pick winners and losers! This is “moral hazard” at its finest! Banks have no reason to not speculate with your money now!

It's socialism for the rich!

End fiat currency and stop allowing bank bailouts for the rich and bad speculation!

Fiat currency is terrible for society, and is more of a cause stemming the roots for this group, than greedy bosses are!

Fiat currency = debt slavery!

Watch what food prices do in the next few weeks! Get ready for more price rises!

Inflation: the increase of money in circulation, leading to a rampant drop in its value and a rise in prices!

Allowing the government to take over these banks is terrible! Let them collapse and allow the free market to decide by meritocracy who the winners are!

Don't let government pick winners and losers!

This is “moral hazard” at its finest!

Banks have no reason to not speculate with your money now!

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