
Hiring Managers of Reddit Does age matter for jobs?

What I mean is does how many working years a person has left affect whether you'll hire them for a position? For nearly 20 years my defaulted loans and living paycheck to paycheck has meant that going back and getting my college degree just wasn't fiscally or physically possible. Now I'm working a job where I could pay off my loans and apply for more. Or even making payments for school. However I'm 42. If I were to start in the fall I'd probably finish a bachelor's around 46. Would it be worth it or would I just be adding a lot more debt to my life to find my job prospects no greater than they are now. In case it matters I've spent a long time working in call centers doing office work and would be getting a Bachelor's in Business Administration if I did this. I'm just curious…

What I mean is does how many working years a person has left affect whether you'll hire them for a position? For nearly 20 years my defaulted loans and living paycheck to paycheck has meant that going back and getting my college degree just wasn't fiscally or physically possible.

Now I'm working a job where I could pay off my loans and apply for more. Or even making payments for school. However I'm 42. If I were to start in the fall I'd probably finish a bachelor's around 46. Would it be worth it or would I just be adding a lot more debt to my life to find my job prospects no greater than they are now.

In case it matters I've spent a long time working in call centers doing office work and would be getting a Bachelor's in Business Administration if I did this. I'm just curious if between my age and the current job markets if it would be beneficial or not.

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