
Crafting my escape plan

I’m close to 40 and I’ve job-hopped a lot the past three years. It’s always a little embarrassing, but I was recruited to several different companies for big salary increases. Until the job before my current one, where they decided to terminate my position. I scrambled to find a new job, which I did, but now I wish I had stayed on UI and let myself have some time. This new job is OK, but I took a nearly 50% pay cut and the expectations are completely unrealistic. My boss is OK as a person, but she worked for superstar organizations before and it is clear she is completely detached from doing tasks herself. To make that worse, she always wants to set deadlines but she comes up with completely unrealistic timelines. Like if you tell her that it will take two months with other tasks, she says oh this…

I’m close to 40 and I’ve job-hopped a lot the past three years. It’s always a little embarrassing, but I was recruited to several different companies for big salary increases.

Until the job before my current one, where they decided to terminate my position. I scrambled to find a new job, which I did, but now I wish I had stayed on UI and let myself have some time. This new job is OK, but I took a nearly 50% pay cut and the expectations are completely unrealistic.

My boss is OK as a person, but she worked for superstar organizations before and it is clear she is completely detached from doing tasks herself. To make that worse, she always wants to set deadlines but she comes up with completely unrealistic timelines. Like if you tell her that it will take two months with other tasks, she says oh this is a priority, I know you can do this in a month. Even when I send her the timeline, she seems to ignore it and asks me for a solution to deliver quality products quickly. She’s also a liar who always tries to haggle costs and is an indecisive micromanager. She also texts us at 10pm often.

I stepped into a shitshow because the graphic designer (former marketing manager – she was demoted) I was hired to manage basically wasn’t doing any work at all for the past five years. She was terminated in a chickenshit way because my boss essentially laid her off … and told me the night before I had to do it because she was my subordinate.

My position was already three random things thrown together. Now, my boss expects me to do the design work because we can’t hire another designer since the gal’s position was eliminated. I made a list of all my tasks and currently I have 108 requests for mostly longterm projects that I have no clue will get finished.

I am so pissed off. But here is the silver lining.

I currently am in an office across from my boss, which I hate. She wants to have that building only for executives, so I am being moved into another building where I will no longer share a space.

I’m already crafting my plan out, but once I get in that solo office … I am going to spend all day applying to jobs on my tablet.

This is what is getting me through this period. Knowing that I am days away from freedom and that I am crafting an escape plan! It will be incredible whoever inherits this mess my boss (the CEO) created.

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