
What makes people stay in a job for 5+ years?

I'm a job hopper and I know there's constantly been discussion around being loyal to an organizations vs. constantly changing and what that looks like when applying to new jobs, but I'm wondering what makes people stay long term? Now I'm in a manager role and my new organization has been dealing with some pretty serious turnover (until I showed up – I've only been here 2 months), and I'm wondering what I can do to help people develop and ultimately stay (besides pay them fairly of course). What do people think about these strategies that I found? This is from an old HR firm I worked with and they seemed to approach HR the right way (in my eyes at least):

I'm a job hopper and I know there's constantly been discussion around being loyal to an organizations vs. constantly changing and what that looks like when applying to new jobs, but I'm wondering what makes people stay long term?

Now I'm in a manager role and my new organization has been dealing with some pretty serious turnover (until I showed up – I've only been here 2 months), and I'm wondering what I can do to help people develop and ultimately stay (besides pay them fairly of course).

What do people think about these strategies that I found? This is from an old HR firm I worked with and they seemed to approach HR the right way (in my eyes at least):

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