
Alternative to full out strike — planning

Edit— one suggestion was picking a specific oil company or other chain to boycott. If anyone is familiar with these things, what chains are present in most of the 50 states that are possible to target with the most widespread effect? I propose that for the month of April the entire r/antiwork sub, and everyone else we can bring on, agrees to completely stop spending money on anything but food and bills. I mean make your car payment, your rent, medicine and get groceries and that’s IT. I don’t know how much of a difference it will make, but it must touch the economy enough that someone will hear us, right? One month without buying clothes, without ordering from Amazon, without fast food or restaurants, without movies, without anything. I feel this is more reasonable than a general strike given lots of us can’t afford to survive even 2 weeks…

Edit— one suggestion was picking a specific oil company or other chain to boycott. If anyone is familiar with these things, what chains are present in most of the 50 states that are possible to target with the most widespread effect?

I propose that for the month of April the entire r/antiwork sub, and everyone else we can bring on, agrees to completely stop spending money on anything but food and bills.

I mean make your car payment, your rent, medicine and get groceries and that’s IT. I don’t know how much of a difference it will make, but it must touch the economy enough that someone will hear us, right?

One month without buying clothes, without ordering from Amazon, without fast food or restaurants, without movies, without anything.

I feel this is more reasonable than a general strike given lots of us can’t afford to survive even 2 weeks without going to work and getting a paycheck. Shit, lots of us are already not able to spend money outside of bills, but maybe the percentage who can could make a difference?

Please comment your thoughts. I might be totally head in the clouds, but I’m hopeful.

Edit to add— if we do something like this, we should sticky a post with an outline of what we want. At minimum we should see legislation to make buying a house possible, a raise in minimum wage, and anything else we can think of that should have been done a long time ago.

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