
Discriminated and fired

I was discriminated against on the basis of being transgender by someone my first two days at a doggy daycare I reported it to a manager. Nothing was fixed but I stuck with it because I loved the clients and job itself. I found of the person who discriminated against me was best friends with the facility manager/big owner of the business. As things went on, I never recieved an apology. Besides that, I was never trained. I was never shown anything until I had made a mistake. All the receptionists have training packets and the other receptionist hired with me has hers filled out and mine remained empty. IT IS NOT A NEW TRAINEES RESPONSIBILITY TO GET TRAINED IT IS A MANAGER'S. Once I had learned my way around, I was scolded profusely over minor mistakes but quickly fixed them. We had a mandatory meeting, in which the woman…

I was discriminated against on the basis of being transgender by someone my first two days at a doggy daycare I reported it to a manager. Nothing was fixed but I stuck with it because I loved the clients and job itself.
I found of the person who discriminated against me was best friends with the facility manager/big owner of the business.
As things went on, I never recieved an apology.

Besides that, I was never trained. I was never shown anything until I had made a mistake. All the receptionists have training packets and the other receptionist hired with me has hers filled out and mine remained empty. IT IS NOT A NEW TRAINEES RESPONSIBILITY TO GET TRAINED IT IS A MANAGER'S. Once I had learned my way around, I was scolded profusely over minor mistakes but quickly fixed them. We had a mandatory meeting, in which the woman who is part time, the owner's best friend, and transphobic had been promoted to Head Receptionist. The next day I recieved a write up – no warnings prior. Is that not suspicious.
After that, two of the managers refused to speak to me outside of scolding me. Today I recieved a short text message telling me I had been terminated due to “numerous mistakes” and to return my uniform immediately. No phone calls, no other context given. Also, the job promised rotating shifts – I have closed for 5 weeks straight.

The facility itself is poorly run. Only 3 out of 7 managers truly know how to do their jobs. It is also dirty and filthy. The dogs and employees are shown immense favoritism. They will bend the truth for clients in order to make money. Many employees quit before their 90 days due to the poor treatment, no benefits, and poor pay. I took this job to help dogs and clients who needed me. I was openly taken advantage of and discriminated against.

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