
Anyone had an interviewer try to get free work out of them?

Today I had a CEO I was interviewing with go totally sideways on me in my email when I wouldn’t build out a sales process for a future sales team of his for free as part of my interview. I did tell him I would be happy to work with him on it under contract. He then made a LinkedIn post about me saying I didn’t want to work. I emailed him and told him That I was also interviewing him as an employee and that I would never want to work for someone who was so aggressive and petty.

Today I had a CEO I was interviewing with go totally sideways on me in my email when I wouldn’t build out a sales process for a future sales team of his for free as part of my interview. I did tell him I would be happy to work with him on it under contract. He then made a LinkedIn post about me saying I didn’t want to work. I emailed him and told him
That I was also interviewing him as an employee and that I would never want to work for someone who was so aggressive and petty.

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