
Looking for sympathy I guess

Before I finished elementary school. My dad got me a job at a farm just outside of town. In no time, my weekends consisted of 12 hour shifts of manual labour in fields with coworkers who didn't even speak English. My summers from then on became 7 day a week of backbreaking work for minimum wage. yes, I had more money than any other12/13yr old… but I feel now that it wasn't worth it. Worked every Weekend and summer there for about 6 years. My back and ankles are in terrible condition, I have permanently damaged skin from the sun, scars all over my body and just general regret. On the plus side, most things don't bother me now. Has anyone else experienced this? Is this a good parenting lesson to follow? thanks.

Before I finished elementary school. My dad got me a job at a farm just outside of town. In no time, my weekends consisted of 12 hour shifts of manual labour in fields with coworkers who didn't even speak English. My summers from then on became 7 day a week of backbreaking work for minimum wage. yes, I had more money than any other12/13yr old… but I feel now that it wasn't worth it. Worked every Weekend and summer there for about 6 years. My back and ankles are in terrible condition, I have permanently damaged skin from the sun, scars all over my body and just general regret. On the plus side, most things don't bother me now. Has anyone else experienced this? Is this a good parenting lesson to follow? thanks.

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