
Call in? No bonus.

I work in healthcare, and we can get bonuses for picking up shifts on the weekends. I had the stomach flu last week and called in 4 hours early because I was projectile vomiting. Last weekend then I decided to pick up a shift to make up for the shift I missed and also earn that $100 bonus. I had emailed the timecard supervisor that afternoon asking him to add that bonus since I had picked up the shift, and he replied that I wasn’t eligible because I had called out once during the two week time period. To me, this breeds a culture of coming in sick and spreading illness to our hospital because no one wants to lose that shift bonus! The fact that this rule is in place in healthcare of all places boggles my mind. I was already looking for another job because I get regularly…

I work in healthcare, and we can get bonuses for picking up shifts on the weekends. I had the stomach flu last week and called in 4 hours early because I was projectile vomiting. Last weekend then I decided to pick up a shift to make up for the shift I missed and also earn that $100 bonus. I had emailed the timecard supervisor that afternoon asking him to add that bonus since I had picked up the shift, and he replied that I wasn’t eligible because I had called out once during the two week time period. To me, this breeds a culture of coming in sick and spreading illness to our hospital because no one wants to lose that shift bonus! The fact that this rule is in place in healthcare of all places boggles my mind. I was already looking for another job because I get regularly physically, emotionally, and verbally assaulted every day, but this was another nail in the coffin for me.

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