
Owner doesn’t show up to meeting they asked me to come to.

So I recently applied to be a piercing apprentice and long story short the offer they gave me was terrible. The pay was less than my current job even though the owner advised me that it was more (initially I thought I could make it work but the math wasn't mathing) and they included a 3 year + 100km non compete, which would have made me unemployable after I stopped working there. So I told them that I was retracting my acceptance bu t was open to renegotiate. They said they would like to meet and asked me to bring my copy of the contract. So I told them I was available to meet today and they said that the time was okay for them as well. I show up and the girl at the front takes the contact, goes into the office, spends a couple minutes and comes out…

So I recently applied to be a piercing apprentice and long story short the offer they gave me was terrible. The pay was less than my current job even though the owner advised me that it was more (initially I thought I could make it work but the math wasn't mathing) and they included a 3 year + 100km non compete, which would have made me unemployable after I stopped working there.

So I told them that I was retracting my acceptance bu t was open to renegotiate. They said they would like to meet and asked me to bring my copy of the contract. So I told them I was available to meet today and they said that the time was okay for them as well. I show up and the girl at the front takes the contact, goes into the office, spends a couple minutes and comes out to tell me that I can leave. I told her the owner said she wanted to talk, she told me that they werent there and wouldn't be in for the day.

I called bullshit on that but left anyways. Why go through all the trouble finding a time that would work for both of us if you were gonna just waste my time. All you had to do was tell me to return your shit when I could.

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