
Growing up, I thought it was a moral failing when people didn’t want to work to contribute to society. Now I feel almost the exact opposite.

Sorry to come at you with such an apocalyptic attitude; I know the vast majority of you are struggling out there and you don't need another voice in your head telling you it's not worth it. I just wanted to say that I think I had kind of an old-fashioned idea impressed on me in my youth, that the happiness and prosperity of society is directly proportional to labor units generated. I thought if everyone found a job and worked hard that life, in general, would progress ever towards a state of “okay”ness. I viewed the indolent and undermotivated as immoral people; nihilists, hedonists, ungrateful bastards. I feel differently now. The notion that 'we're all in this together' and the notion that 'businesses are important' have left me completely. The truth is, we're pitted against one another by an elite class that wishes we were machines. The whole system is…

Sorry to come at you with such an apocalyptic attitude; I know the vast majority of you are struggling out there and you don't need another voice in your head telling you it's not worth it.

I just wanted to say that I think I had kind of an old-fashioned idea impressed on me in my youth, that the happiness and prosperity of society is directly proportional to labor units generated. I thought if everyone found a job and worked hard that life, in general, would progress ever towards a state of “okay”ness. I viewed the indolent and undermotivated as immoral people; nihilists, hedonists, ungrateful bastards.

I feel differently now. The notion that 'we're all in this together' and the notion that 'businesses are important' have left me completely. The truth is, we're pitted against one another by an elite class that wishes we were machines. The whole system is broken from top to bottom and it's broken on purpose. I feel less and less every day that a “good job” actually exists, and in my darker moments, I wonder if the totality of human progress has produced anything worth defending.

There are still plenty of things to be grateful for. I don't deny that, and neither should you. There are also some lucky and righteous people out there living their values at their job, being as giving and compassionate as the world will allow. But for the majority of us that have to leave our values at home in the morning, things are bleak. For the majority of us that are losing power as we have to stretch our dollars further and further, things are bleak.

I don't resent people who scam money from the government or teenagers who don't take their jobs at A&W seriously at all anymore. The social contract has become a joke. Technology has only made it easier for the wealthy to squeeze us dry and it's getting worse and worse. We are entitled to something better, full stop. We shouldn't consent to have the future stolen from us by rich losers with mental complexes that make them not care about the world.

We're living in a den of thieves
Rummaging for answers in the pages
We're living in a den of thieves
And it's contagious

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