
Do companies actively monitor, review and screenshot your work throughout the day?

I am the managing partner and general counsel/chief compliance officer’s assistant at a private equity firm – I’ve been there for eight months. Lately, I’ve been working the job of two and a half people. Someone quit about 6 weeks ago, and I’ve been doing my job plus their job. Since I also plan all the office functions, I’ve been doing more than my assigned duties since I started.I am now working ten to twelve hours during the week and about four hours per weekend and still feel behind. I’ve asked for days off over the past eight months and have been denied because “we’re too busy.” I’m burned out and exhausted. I decided to start interviewing, since it doesn’t look like we’re hiring anytime soon. They’re not interviewing and in the meantime, I’m on the verge of tears almost everyday. They have a high turnover rate – two people…

I am the managing partner and general counsel/chief compliance officer’s assistant at a private equity firm – I’ve been there for eight months. Lately, I’ve been working the job of two and a half people. Someone quit about 6 weeks ago, and I’ve been doing my job plus their job. Since I also plan all the office functions, I’ve been doing more than my assigned duties since I started.I am now working ten to twelve hours during the week and about four hours per weekend and still feel behind. I’ve asked for days off over the past eight months and have been denied because “we’re too busy.” I’m burned out and exhausted.

I decided to start interviewing, since it doesn’t look like we’re hiring anytime soon. They’re not interviewing and in the meantime, I’m on the verge of tears almost everyday. They have a high turnover rate – two people quit my first six weeks, the person whose job I’m doing quit after 11 months, her replacement quit after 24 hours. The extra work always falls on me. The company is not taking feedback into account and keeps making the same mistakes.

Well, I came into the office today, even though Wednesdays are a company designated work from home day, because two high net worth individuals were coming in. I scheduled this interview around the investor meetings, so no one would be around.

Well, my phone was having trouble logging into the interview, so I used my work laptop. Two hours later, I received an email from compliance, saying I was caught using my laptop for personal interests – true. But it also said I was using work hours for personal time… The times I’m not working, I’m commuting or sleeping… I’m all but sleeping here. They said there were screenshots, so I clicked on it… it brought me to a 404 screen and said it was a phishing test by knowbe4…

Were they actually monitoring my laptop and taking screenshots or were they trying to scare me?

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