
Job is threating to fire me for things beyond my control

Every day, I work my ass off. I clean every nook and cranny, but if I forget just one thing or get distracted by a resident and don't do something immediately, they are on my ass yelling at me. A lot of times, they accuse me of not checking the bathrooms twice a day, but if a resident goes to the bathrooms and makes a mess everywhere or spills something on the floor after 2, I'm off work and can't do anything about it. They are threatening to fire me because my coworker and I aren't doing a good enough job deep cleaning despite being told to clean these things during training. This job is overwhelming. When I started, they told me this job wouldn't nearly be as hard as my old job and would pay better. That was a lie because my old job was not nearly as stressful.…

Every day, I work my ass off. I clean every nook and cranny, but if I forget just one thing or get distracted by a resident and don't do something immediately, they are on my ass yelling at me. A lot of times, they accuse me of not checking the bathrooms twice a day, but if a resident goes to the bathrooms and makes a mess everywhere or spills something on the floor after 2, I'm off work and can't do anything about it. They are threatening to fire me because my coworker and I aren't doing a good enough job deep cleaning despite being told to clean these things during training. This job is overwhelming. When I started, they told me this job wouldn't nearly be as hard as my old job and would pay better. That was a lie because my old job was not nearly as stressful. They are always accusing me of being on my phone, I don't have time to be on my phone outside of to talk to my boss or rarely put on some music, the only other time I'm on my phone is in the bathroom or if it's an emergency. I don't know, don't give a fuck, if I get fired I guess go back to my old job, pays less but it's better then this.

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