
Employers are increasingly more garbage then ever, filled with corpo bootlickers .

I work in hospitality an notoriously bad industry, but in general employers are the worst. Once you have a full understanding of the corruption of the system you see how really bad these people are. Applying for jobs is the absolute worse. I applied for a position and went in person to follow-up and the HR person told me the position is filled, but today see the position just posted on indeed. I called and asked them what is going on, whomever was on the phone in HR couldn't give a straight answer but told me to give them my information to call me, which they probably wont, but I emailed them as well. Another, I applied to a job, was nice enough to send a f-you response but says within 15 minutes of applying ” We carefully reviewed your skills and qualifications and have decided to move forward with…

I work in hospitality an notoriously bad industry, but in general employers are the worst. Once you have a full understanding of the corruption of the system you see how really bad these people are. Applying for jobs is the absolute worse. I applied for a position and went in person to follow-up and the HR person told me the position is filled, but today see the position just posted on indeed. I called and asked them what is going on, whomever was on the phone in HR couldn't give a straight answer but told me to give them my information to call me, which they probably wont, but I emailed them as well. Another, I applied to a job, was nice enough to send a f-you response but says within 15 minutes of applying ” We carefully reviewed your skills and qualifications and have decided to move forward with another candidate for the position.” They didn't find someone that quick, and it was send directly as a message to me on indeed, not the automated response messages through indeed. These companies complain no one wants to work, but these companies do everything but the obvious, the obvious is to f-in pay people to show up. No one wants your crummy wages, them pizza parties and culture shit ant paying the rent homie~!~! When you as a worker challenge power, ask mangers the right questions at an interview, I.e. how are you actively working to reduce turnover, what is your greatest asset at this company, critical thinking questions, they label you as not hirable. What does management get out of it? When you let the cat out of the bag, you truly see who these people are, herd mentality, authoritarian, no human decency, and many people that hold power in these companies should not be in a position to do so. Corporate America is run by psychopaths', but you can take this logical conclusion all the way up to government bodies. It truly is disgusting.

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