
Things to think about. Comments and observations

Issues: The American Government treats its citizenry with contempt. It always has. The Department of labor doesn't care because they don't have the funds to staff at the proper level, and they risk having their funds cut even further. Talking to a lawyer is usually futile. Employers have paid for too many employer friendly laws. At-will employment skews the balance of power to far toward employers. Non-compete agreements lock people into jobs that pay under market. Binding Arbitration prevents people from having a Jury Trial and setting a record of judicial precedent. Class action lawsuits are prohibited. Go ahead, try and sue your employer. You'll likely lose when it goes to arbitration, and no precedent will be set. Healthcare is tied to Employment HR is not your friend. The Chamber of Commerce is not your friend. The people can't elect people to US congress, the senate and state governments because…


  1. The American Government treats its citizenry with contempt. It always has.
  2. The Department of labor doesn't care because they don't have the funds to staff at the proper level, and they risk having their funds cut even further.
  3. Talking to a lawyer is usually futile. Employers have paid for too many employer friendly laws.
  4. At-will employment skews the balance of power to far toward employers.
  5. Non-compete agreements lock people into jobs that pay under market.
  6. Binding Arbitration prevents people from having a Jury Trial and setting a record of judicial precedent. Class action lawsuits are prohibited. Go ahead, try and sue your employer. You'll likely lose when it goes to arbitration, and no precedent will be set.
  7. Healthcare is tied to Employment
  8. HR is not your friend.
  9. The Chamber of Commerce is not your friend.
  10. The people can't elect people to US congress, the senate and state governments because monied interests vet and nominate the candidates before you get to vote for them. You won't be voting in any candidate which hasn't been vetted by the monied interests.
  11. You don't get to vote on issues directly at the federal level.
  12. No term limits at the federal level.
  13. No recall at the federal level.
  14. First past the post voting.

Potential long term strategies to force change:

  1. Don't have children.
  2. Emigrate.
  3. Live outside the fabric of society.
  4. Article V Constitutional Convention. Constitutional Reform.

Things lawmakers should (but probably won't) be considering to get things going on the right track:

  1. Campaign Finance Reform. Public funds for campaign finance.
  2. Prohibition on lobbying.
  3. Corporations are not people.
  4. Maximum wage.
  5. Wealth taxes.
  6. Day fines based on annual income
  7. Implement a Just Cause employment standard.
  8. Prohibit Non-compete Clauses.
  9. Allow binding arbitration between companies only.
  10. Public (not private) health insurance.

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