
The new (Mar 17) episode of “The Problem With Jon Stewart” deals with inflation & the blaming of workers & the poor

Inflation solutions proposed by the Fed are ignoring the needs/pain of average workers, while the media “experts “ and many economists blame the same ppl (i.e., the majority of us who aren’t wealthy technocrats and politicians). The new episode of “The Problem w/ Jon Stewart“ captures this unfair moment quite well in 30 minutes if you can watch it. And wow it’s good to see someone in the media at least trying to talk about this. It’s on Apple TV but should be on YouTube in a few days.

Inflation solutions proposed by the Fed are ignoring the needs/pain of average workers, while the media “experts “ and many economists blame the same ppl (i.e., the majority of us who aren’t wealthy technocrats and politicians).

The new episode of “The Problem w/ Jon Stewart“ captures this unfair moment quite well in 30 minutes if you can watch it. And wow it’s good to see someone in the media at least trying to talk about this.

It’s on Apple TV but should be on YouTube in a few days.

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