
I ended up quitting my job today because I got punished for calling off when too sick or tired to operate heavy machinery and for going to a funneral

I worked for a trucking company, and per the title i quit today because i got punished for calling in sick two times the past month and a half, and punished for attending my friends fathers funneral. The company in question has a point system which you collect points for either calling in, being any sort of late, or life happens and you help a friend bury his fucking father #badcaseofthemondays. Mind you, i also operated heavy machinery in which, if used improperly, i can kill a motherfucker or get myself hurt too. So here i am. Its 215 in the fucking morning. I was late 10 minnutes because the road conditions were frozen which to be fair i could of adjusted too. I end up walking into work to get “coached” over calling in, and when i bring up the fact that i went to a funneral and wasnt…

I worked for a trucking company, and per the title i quit today because i got punished for calling in sick two times the past month and a half, and punished for attending my friends fathers funneral.

The company in question has a point system which you collect points for either calling in, being any sort of late, or life happens and you help a friend bury his fucking father #badcaseofthemondays. Mind you, i also operated heavy machinery in which, if used improperly, i can kill a motherfucker or get myself hurt too.

So here i am. Its 215 in the fucking morning. I was late 10 minnutes because the road conditions were frozen which to be fair i could of adjusted too. I end up walking into work to get “coached” over calling in, and when i bring up the fact that i went to a funneral and wasnt fit for duty those days i get the fucking work around of it being my responsibility. Motherfucker your job aint my problem. Im a grown ass adult working with shit that can kill me and my coworkers, and your telling me its my motherfucking responsibility to go into work and possibily hurt someone. Bitch i got fuck you money and live cheaply for this reason alone. I walked out. Ill get a new, upgradable shitty job next week.

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