
Remote side hustle?

I work remotely as part of a 3 person team. I handle 90% of the department's work, and finish it all in around 20 hours – but I have to be on and active for 40 hours per week. This leads to a lot of frustrating down time, because as a neurodivergent human, my brain needs stimulation or it is physically uncomfortable for me. Let's just say I can completely sympathize with every toddler throwing a tantrum for having to wait for something…. Although, I do have slightly better coping skills at this stage in my life. 🙂 My leadership team is useless at leading. They have no clue what is going on in the department unless I tell them. I stayed quiet for a bit and enjoyed decompressing, but now I'm bored. I have been very direct and vocal with my leadership team about how bored I am and…

I work remotely as part of a 3 person team. I handle 90% of the department's work, and finish it all in around 20 hours – but I have to be on and active for 40 hours per week. This leads to a lot of frustrating down time, because as a neurodivergent human, my brain needs stimulation or it is physically uncomfortable for me. Let's just say I can completely sympathize with every toddler throwing a tantrum for having to wait for something…. Although, I do have slightly better coping skills at this stage in my life. 🙂

My leadership team is useless at leading. They have no clue what is going on in the department unless I tell them. I stayed quiet for a bit and enjoyed decompressing, but now I'm bored. I have been very direct and vocal with my leadership team about how bored I am and how much time I'm wasting and yet they have not done any management to make use of my skills, speed or downtime. So, now I'm just looking for a way to keep from going crazy while keeping this sweet gig getting paid for 40 hours while doing 20 hours of work from home!

I'm looking for any leads on flexible remote opportunities that would allow me to earn some extra income at home during those 20 hours per week that I have literally nothing to do but wiggle my mouse to stay active. Games, Reddit and streaming videos are fun, but if I could supplement my income that'd be even better. I'd love to surprise my spouse with extra money and I know there are legit opportunities out there.

Thank you so much for any and all advice.

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