
Coworker and boss just left the office . I came back to an empty office. It’s a Friday. We get VERY busy on Fridays.

We have a small office. Just four of us. My boss, my two coworkers, and myself. My boss is rarely ever in the office. The older lady I work with is constantly leaving early because….well…she just wants to. She is also out a lot for full days too, for whatever “legitimate” reason she can come up with. The other girl I work with is here for full shifts for the most part. So her and I work the most. But I still work more than her. Let’s just say, I’m used to working solo. I don’t mind it. But I get kind of annoyed that it seems like everyone else gets to dip out at any given moment, for any given reason. While I’m expected to hang back and deal with every single client that calls and comes in. I feel taken advantage of. Today, I was supposed to work…

We have a small office. Just four of us. My boss, my two coworkers, and myself. My boss is rarely ever in the office. The older lady I work with is constantly leaving early because….well…she just wants to. She is also out a lot for full days too, for whatever “legitimate” reason she can come up with. The other girl I work with is here for full shifts for the most part. So her and I work the most. But I still work more than her.

Let’s just say, I’m used to working solo. I don’t mind it. But I get kind of annoyed that it seems like everyone else gets to dip out at any given moment, for any given reason. While I’m expected to hang back and deal with every single client that calls and comes in. I feel taken advantage of.

Today, I was supposed to work all day with my boss and one of my coworkers (one of them is out of town.) I get back from lunch, both their cars are gone, and there’s a note on my desk that they had to leave for the day. My coworker had to “pick her kid up.” My boss…I don’t know why. This was out of nowhere. The phones are CRAZY! My coworker also left a to-do list for me to finish up with a couple clients she was working with.

I’m at the point where, f*ck it! I’m just going to leave early too. Because apparently that’s what we do around here. I mean, why should I be the only one that’s gotta stay back?

What would you all do? How would you all feel?

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