
“Entry level” job applications are a fucking waste of time

I applied to a retail job, and holy shit was it a waste of time. First, I made a tailored resume, hoping it would help raise my starting wage. Then, I had to retype everything into the online application. Once I was hired, I had to both retype and manually write the same info again. After submitting the job application, I had to take a recorded virtual interview, answer some questions describing my “personality,” and complete some tests to see if I was an idiot. I not only prepped for the interview but also wasted time making sure I looked professional. Then, I had to go in for an in person interview. Whoever the hell was supposed to interview me wasn't there, so I had to wait for another manager to show up. He asked me exactly the same questions as the recorded interview. So, great! I could have recited…

I applied to a retail job, and holy shit was it a waste of time.

First, I made a tailored resume, hoping it would help raise my starting wage. Then, I had to retype everything into the online application. Once I was hired, I had to both retype and manually write the same info again.

After submitting the job application, I had to take a recorded virtual interview, answer some questions describing my “personality,” and complete some tests to see if I was an idiot. I not only prepped for the interview but also wasted time making sure I looked professional.

Then, I had to go in for an in person interview. Whoever the hell was supposed to interview me wasn't there, so I had to wait for another manager to show up. He asked me exactly the same questions as the recorded interview. So, great! I could have recited emo poetry in a Barney the dinosaur costume, and it wouldn't have mattered because no one saw my recorded interview.

The manager offers me a job; cool. I show up for orientation; the trainer doesn't.

Eventually, I start my job. I make a comment about my previous employer. The person who was supposed to have read my resume says, “Oh, you worked there? My spouse works there!” Turns out I know their spouse. If they had looked at my resume, they could have asked their partner about what my work ethic is like, but they didn't.

And all of this for an “entry level” position. Hours days of my life I'll never get back.

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