
I see a lot of memes and sentiment against poor working conditions, but what options/resources are there to actually NOT work?

Hi I'm getting sick of my job and I believe I'm going to lose it in 6 weeks anyway because they fired the cool manager who was the only reason I stayed an extra 8 months longer than expected (I got and started another job, then this manager started and ALL the issues at the job were solved so I stayed), and now the guy who gave me 6 weeks off on a whim because we were slow, granted me a grace period for being late because I live 27 miles away and suffer from Time Blindness through ADHD (my employers are Chinese and have difficulty understanding this concept so it was hard to get it across even with a psychiatrists note), when before I was at risk of losing my job for being late 30 seconds to 2 minutes on days I even WAS late (it's a 7-10 minute…

Hi I'm getting sick of my job and I believe I'm going to lose it in 6 weeks anyway because they fired the cool manager who was the only reason I stayed an extra 8 months longer than expected (I got and started another job, then this manager started and ALL the issues at the job were solved so I stayed), and now the guy who gave me 6 weeks off on a whim because we were slow, granted me a grace period for being late because I live 27 miles away and suffer from Time Blindness through ADHD (my employers are Chinese and have difficulty understanding this concept so it was hard to get it across even with a psychiatrists note), when before I was at risk of losing my job for being late 30 seconds to 2 minutes on days I even WAS late (it's a 7-10 minute trek from parking to the inside of my job and sometimes they just start a minute or even 5 early, and we pick our sections in a number drawing so if you miss it you basically are left with what everyone doesn't want, usually a low earning or very very high side work station), and was the first ever to let people be cut when we were completely dead and had far more workers than needed, thus allowing people to actually make money even on terribly slow days.

This guy was beloved by EVERYONE, and nobody knows why he was suddenly gone one day at 8pm. They don't even have a replacement for him, the office and merchandise managers are taking turns leaving their posts to cover when the other GM isn't working his 5 days. It's chaos.

On top of this, they cancelled my dental insurance which I need, and suddenly have cut my shifts in half, giving me half days on the weekends, the only days I really work, and that are typically always busy so literally aren't worth driving 54 collective miles to work for 4 hours.

And finally on my birthday they said no more time off requests will be accepted from May 1st to July 1st, basically the slowest time of the year for us, so total waste. My closest female cousin has been engaged since 2 years before I started this job, and now almost 4 years later the wedding is finally happening, right at the beginning of that chunk. My plane tickets out of the country were bought the day before my birthday.

I was told not to “plan my vacations” until checking with work. But um, I'm going, so either they're firing me in 6 weeks for being gone May 1st through 4th, or they're not.

Nonetheless, it was a good paying job before but I'm barely paying my bills at all and not saving or paying off debt WHATSOEVER right now.

I've been trying to start businesses hut I just don't have capital, so I'm trying my hand at video content on paid platforms, which I had some experience with before but never made enough to survive off it.

So I come here thinking I'll learn ways that people have found to escape toxic work places to find good forms of employment or create your own income to survive without having to work, you knowknowbecause its supposedto be an anti-work movement and peiple are supposedly not working as much or at all.

But all i find is memes pointing out crappy work situations, but not presenting any solutions. No resources to get out of working in toxic places and build some way to support your family without relying on having to go to a place that isn't allowing you to even make enough to pursue a goal, nor even survive in many cases.

So um, am I missing something, or is there some way 2.5 MILLION people, mostly in the United States (as European standards or vacation and benefits are treated as unattainable near fantasy standards from what I see here) can come together to find a way to support themselves without having to go to these jobs they all hate. That's nearly an entire percentage of the US population, even if it is just half of the people here in the US, that's still over a million people!

Surely there's some way we can come together and create some method for us to escape these awful and subhuman environments that literally in many cases don't pay enough to survive, like can we stop JUST complaining, and try and learn and teach one another some way to get put of this and better our lives? We are millions strong, we aren't alone at all, so cmon people, what is there we can do?

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