
I got fired yesterday from my profesional job, for helping a customer in Spanish because they were struggling to communicate in English

Not only did I get fired, but I was accused of speaking bad about a fellow coworker in the company. Which at no point I did, I just did my job. My only regret was no walking out when they, started the meeting and the first sentence out of their mouth was bs. And ofc they fired the person, that’s been working there for three weeks, and kept they guy that’s been working there for 7 months, even tho he has been condescending, been horribly sarcastic, and arrogant when helping or answering questions.

Not only did I get fired, but I was accused of speaking bad about a fellow coworker in the company. Which at no point I did, I just did my job. My only regret was no walking out when they, started the meeting and the first sentence out of their mouth was bs. And ofc they fired the person, that’s been working there for three weeks, and kept they guy that’s been working there for 7 months, even tho he has been condescending, been horribly sarcastic, and arrogant when helping or answering questions.

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