
I can’t renew my lease (Rant)

This whole “companies not paying their employees enough to give a shit” is really starting to piss me the fuck off. I currently live in an apartment complex, and I need to renew my lease by April 6th to avoid going month to month. If I go month to month my rent will go from 1750 to 2400. I have been going back and forth with management about it for the last 3 ish weeks now. The issue I'm having is that the head property manager recently quit because she wasn't being treated well by the company. Like, I'd go in to her office for assistance such as maintenance or whatever and there's was an instance where she was literally working with pneumonia, because they wouldn't let her take the day off. She was making $18/hr as a property manager. Etc. She was being treated BAD. I'm proud of her…

This whole “companies not paying their employees enough to give a shit” is really starting to piss me the fuck off.
I currently live in an apartment complex, and I need to renew my lease by April 6th to avoid going month to month. If I go month to month my rent will go from 1750 to 2400.
I have been going back and forth with management about it for the last 3 ish weeks now.
The issue I'm having is that the head property manager recently quit because she wasn't being treated well by the company. Like, I'd go in to her office for assistance such as maintenance or whatever and there's was an instance where she was literally working with pneumonia, because they wouldn't let her take the day off. She was making $18/hr as a property manager. Etc. She was being treated BAD.
I'm proud of her for quitting, but the new issue is, that not surprisingly, the company is having a hard time replacing her, my apartment complex is currently without a head property manager.
(We also don't have a head maintenance manager because he quit around 3 months ago and they haven't been able to replace him either)
So my apartment management is basically just got a bunch of grunts in their early 20s in the front office that low key don't know what's going on. There's no leadership whatsoever.

I need to renew my lease. But only a head property manager can generate leases. And since there's currently no head property manager, I can't find anyone who can generate my lease. So I'm just fucked I guess.

They have corporating employees coming in every Thursday, but I work on Thursdays, so I haven't been able to meet with anyone face-to-face regarding this issue, I was told by management that I could email them and that they would get back to me. I emailed them twice in the last week and no one's gotten back to me. I'm over this shit bro. If the housing company that I'm currently renting with would just pay their employees Fair wages this wouldn't be happening to me. I'm sooo fucking done.

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