
Boss tells me I’m to work ONLY my schedule, then calls me the next week asking me to come in 3 hours early.

As the title states. I work for Kroger, which is mainly for the union. The store has tried to fuck me over multiple times now, and I'm not having it. The main bit is that my schedule is not supposed to change. Well, it did. My boss scheduled me for some weird ass bizarro schedule, where all my days and hours were wrong. So I came in my usual times, since my schedule shouldnt change, her words. I'm then yelled at by the store manager, telling me I can't just “come in whenever” and that I needed to “work ONLY my schedule”. OK, Done. Today, I work noon to 8. I get a call at 9.30 asking me if I can come in early. “Sorry, I was told to work ONLY my schedule.” Their response? “Oh, that just means you can't come in on your days off and work. You…

As the title states.

I work for Kroger, which is mainly for the union. The store has tried to fuck me over multiple times now, and I'm not having it. The main bit is that my schedule is not supposed to change.

Well, it did.

My boss scheduled me for some weird ass bizarro schedule, where all my days and hours were wrong. So I came in my usual times, since my schedule shouldnt change, her words.

I'm then yelled at by the store manager, telling me I can't just “come in whenever” and that I needed to “work ONLY my schedule”. OK, Done.

Today, I work noon to 8. I get a call at 9.30 asking me if I can come in early. “Sorry, I was told to work ONLY my schedule.”

Their response? “Oh, that just means you can't come in on your days off and work. You can still come in early and work 8 hours.”

I hung up.

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