
Is my poor southern redneck family from Alabama socialist for not believing in personal possessions? (They make us share everything).

Ok so I thought I would try to explain, Im 18 (but in Alabama 19 is an adult) and my family is kinda weird. My mother, father, cousins, uncle and aunt, and grandparents all live in the same house with only 6 bedrooms. And the majority of them collect social security, or work minimum wage. But the thing that started to seem weirder as I got older is that they never let us have personal possessions, everything was shared. Xbox, tv, beds, rooms, toys, cars, food. None of it was mine, I could use any of those things anytime I wanted, but so could the rest of the family. My dad told me once “We dont have enough money not to share, don't be greedy”. And my mother once told me “If I have money, you have money. If you have money, I have money, If I have smokes you…

Ok so I thought I would try to explain, Im 18 (but in Alabama 19 is an adult) and my family is kinda weird.

My mother, father, cousins, uncle and aunt, and grandparents all live in the same house with only 6 bedrooms. And the majority of them collect social security, or work minimum wage.

But the thing that started to seem weirder as I got older is that they never let us have personal possessions, everything was shared. Xbox, tv, beds, rooms, toys, cars, food. None of it was mine, I could use any of those things anytime I wanted, but so could the rest of the family.

My dad told me once “We dont have enough money not to share, don't be greedy”. And my mother once told me “If I have money, you have money. If you have money, I have money, If I have smokes you have smokes, and if you have smokes I have smokes (we all smoke weed/nic)”

I was wondering if my family is practicing socialism or if we are just weirdos?

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