
I just got a written warning for not clocking out immediately after being done with work.

So at my work the day when the day is over we are supposed to clockout at the nearest time clock right after we finish. I always thought this was bullshit since they make us put our stuff in a break room that is a 6 minute walk away from where we work so I always went and got my stuff before clocking out. Apparently somebody noticed me doing that and told on me and HR gave me a written warning about it.

So at my work the day when the day is over we are supposed to clockout at the nearest time clock right after we finish. I always thought this was bullshit since they make us put our stuff in a break room that is a 6 minute walk away from where we work so I always went and got my stuff before clocking out. Apparently somebody noticed me doing that and told on me and HR gave me a written warning about it.

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