
Isn’t it better to live off that government cheese?

I mean, why expend all that energy slaving at some 9 to 5 that you despise just making ends meet. If you ain't making 6 figures at least why waste your time. Why elevate your stress levels. I'm quitting my job to go live off that government cheese man. I'm a us and swiss citizen. I used to live off that government cheese in Switzerland and it was the best time of my life man. They never even pushed me to go find a new job I'm going back to that once I get done with this job I got 2 months from now. I'm going right back to Switzerland. That Swiss government cheese will put me in a decent little spot. My insurances is paid, I get my monthly allowance. What else could you ask for? Peace of mind first priority and I'm a simple man. I will have…

I mean, why expend all that energy slaving at some 9 to 5 that you despise just making ends meet. If you ain't making 6 figures at least why waste your time. Why elevate your stress levels. I'm quitting my job to go live off that government cheese man. I'm a us and swiss citizen. I used to live off that government cheese in Switzerland and it was the best time of my life man. They never even pushed me to go find a new job

I'm going back to that once I get done with this job I got 2 months from now. I'm going right back to Switzerland.

That Swiss government cheese will put me in a decent little spot. My insurances is paid, I get my monthly allowance. What else could you ask for? Peace of mind first priority and I'm a simple man. I will have all the time in the world to do what I love. I can go hiking, kayaking, weightlifting, playing my flute, any time I want. This keeps the stress levels down man. No 9 to 5 for me ever again man

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