
These are the main reasons why I am “anti-work”;

The injustices of the lower and middle classes; The United States is the ONLY first-world country without universal healthcare insurance While inflation and cost of living have been sky-rocketing, especially with record YoY inflation data, the federal minimum wage of $7.25/hr has been unchanged since July 2009 In 1971, 2 1/2 years worth of labour was all that was necessary to afford a NEW home off the averagea annual salary. Even off minimum wage in 1971, which was $1.60, minimum wage workers working full-time ($1.60 x 40hrs/week x 52 weeks) could afford a new home after just over 7 1/2 years of labour. However, with the modern average wage being $54,132, minimum wage and the average new home costing $543,600, this 2 1/2 years of labour becomes 10 years worth of labour for the average income, and the average minimum-wage full-time worker 36 years worth of labour. Using the same…

The injustices of the lower and middle classes;

  1. The United States is the ONLY first-world country without universal healthcare insurance
  2. While inflation and cost of living have been sky-rocketing, especially with record YoY inflation data, the federal minimum wage of $7.25/hr has been unchanged since July 2009
  3. In 1971, 2 1/2 years worth of labour was all that was necessary to afford a NEW home off the averagea annual salary. Even off minimum wage in 1971, which was $1.60, minimum wage workers working full-time ($1.60 x 40hrs/week x 52 weeks) could afford a new home after just over 7 1/2 years of labour. However, with the modern average wage being $54,132, minimum wage and the average new home costing $543,600, this 2 1/2 years of labour becomes 10 years worth of labour for the average income, and the average minimum-wage full-time worker 36 years worth of labour.
  4. Using the same chart from point 3, one can see how 1/4 of the average salary (or 78% of a minimum wage full-time worker's annual salary) was enough to afford 1 year of tuition for Harvard. With Harvard's annual tuition now costing $52,659, that is almost an entire year's worth of labour for the average person and nearly 350% of a minimum wage full-time worker's annual salary.
  5. The US governing bodies have responded to labour shortages and union movements by reinstating child labour in Arkansas, making striking for railway workers illegal, using rampant anti-union measures to stop unionization movements, and even simply calling modern generations of young workers “lazy” and “entitled” for not wanting to work in poor working conditions at dead-end jobs

The privileges of the wealthy;

  1. 68% off all wealth in the United States is held by the top 10% of earners
  2. While the government continues to justify not implementing the same national support systems other first-world countries have, most notably universal healthcare, they are quick to come up with billions of dollars in just a few days to bail out banks caught in bad investments, print up the vast majority of the United States' money supply (M1) to bail out companies and banks during COVID, and by doing so create incredible YoY inflation that's causing the cost of living to skyrocket.
  3. During 2008, when Wall St. and the governemnt were caught red-handed in manipulating mortgage bonds (which led to the 2008 Great Recession), they successfully bailed themselves out with taxpayers' money and practically NO ONE went to jail or were sued for their crimes.

While it is clear that the power and wealth of the middle class has been dramatically shrinking over the past few decades, the top earners and government bodies have continued to capitalize gains and socialize losses.

This is not just in the US, however,and is happening in numerous regions across the globe.

This system cannot and should not last forever, and we need to do what we can to ensure that power returns to the people so that future generations will not have it worse than we do.

TL;DR: Here's a Simpson's musical number starring Hugh Jackman to explain everything.

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