
Doesn’t my boss have to pay for all hours worked, even if it wasn’t recorded?

Without giving too much detail I’m in WA. I have a co-worker who is a bit troublesome. He consistently shows up late and asks to leave early. Sometimes he just disappears all together. He used to call in when he didn’t work but now he won’t even say anything. I just found out that he didn’t have a single time punch last week. He didn’t get an override nor did he submit a time slip adjustment before the end of the week. I also found out that when he does submit adjustments he inflates his hours by submitting his scheduled hours not the time he actually shows up. I’m not supposed to know this but, I was told because he has no record of work, he is getting a check for zero dollars. Even though I personally witnessed him do work. Doesn’t the company have any type of obligation to…

Without giving too much detail I’m in WA. I have a co-worker who is a bit troublesome. He consistently shows up late and asks to leave early. Sometimes he just disappears all together. He used to call in when he didn’t work but now he won’t even say anything. I just found out that he didn’t have a single time punch last week. He didn’t get an override nor did he submit a time slip adjustment before the end of the week. I also found out that when he does submit adjustments he inflates his hours by submitting his scheduled hours not the time he actually shows up. I’m not supposed to know this but, I was told because he has no record of work, he is getting a check for zero dollars. Even though I personally witnessed him do work. Doesn’t the company have any type of obligation to find out how many hours he worked? This feels illegal. Plus it’s almost the end of the month I know he has bills to pay. He’s just a kid. He’s messing up. I can’t rely on him. But he still deserves to be paid for his work.

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