
HR emailing me to my work email about unpaid medical bills.

I work for a hospital, and I’m also patient of the same hospital however I have never gave my work email to be contacted about personal medical or bills stuffs, I have it set up for my personal email. Last year they added this “benefit” for all patients , was a third party the hospital hire to deal with billing, wellll they were awful, and they aren’t longer a benefit I never paid anything to them because I was upset they gave my information to this new company I didn’t know who they were plus they didn’t have my insurance right, I didn’t even went to the doctor last year so I shouldn’t had any balance, yesterday I got an email from HR about my unpaid balance with the third party I was so upset because why I was contacted by my own employer HR about a personal medical bill…

I work for a hospital, and I’m also patient of the same hospital however I have never gave my work email to be contacted about personal medical or bills stuffs, I have it set up for my personal email. Last year they added this “benefit” for all patients , was a third party the hospital hire to deal with billing, wellll they were awful, and they aren’t longer a benefit I never paid anything to them because I was upset they gave my information to this new company I didn’t know who they were plus they didn’t have my insurance right, I didn’t even went to the doctor last year so I shouldn’t had any balance, yesterday I got an email from HR about my unpaid balance with the third party I was so upset because why I was contacted by my own employer HR about a personal medical bill to my work email. Isn’t even the billing department is freaking HR who sent the email. I feel like this is a HIPPA violation of some kind.

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