
My wife lost her dream job… because she asked for a raise. [RANT]

I just wanted to share this. It's been almost a year now. Thankfully she has found employment that pays her more… But she's gutted, and nowhere near as happy. A charitable organization opened a small office in the city. She, being involved with them for many years, was offered a full-time job as office manager. She was over the moon. Her original contract said she would be employed with them for life. She loved her job and loved who she worked for. It was very fulfilling. She lead classes teaching various self-help/compassion topics to teachers, police officers, and other groups. During the Pandemic, they kept the office open for her to keep working and despite the “loss of donations”, kept her employed. As restrictions eased up things began to ramp up again and it was business as usual. Until, of course, my wife realized it had been about 5+ years…

I just wanted to share this. It's been almost a year now. Thankfully she has found employment that pays her more… But she's gutted, and nowhere near as happy.

A charitable organization opened a small office in the city. She, being involved with them for many years, was offered a full-time job as office manager. She was over the moon. Her original contract said she would be employed with them for life.

She loved her job and loved who she worked for. It was very fulfilling. She lead classes teaching various self-help/compassion topics to teachers, police officers, and other groups. During the Pandemic, they kept the office open for her to keep working and despite the “loss of donations”, kept her employed. As restrictions eased up things began to ramp up again and it was business as usual. Until, of course, my wife realized it had been about 5+ years and she was still making her original wage. Soon the minimum wage would creep up to what she was making. We discussed it back and forth, and she was firm that she needed to do this. So she asked for a meeting and requested a raise. She was told NO without any consideration. They told her they will never give her a raise. This depressed her, but she kept high spirits, as otherwise she was happy and I told her we would get by as her happiness with her work was most important.

That was, until, her contract renewal arrived a few months later and they said they were going to close the office to “redistribute the funds to more important matters.”
A gigantic fuck you, in my opinion.

I despise that she continues to volunteer for them, but she said if she didn't have her involvement her depression would get worse. Hell, they are most likely now seeing how much of an asset she was as others have picked up her various roles and it's not the same.

Now she is dealing with a bunch of childish nonsense at her new employment and almost daily she is reminded that she used to have her dream job and she “fucked it up by asking for a raise” (her words).

Anyway. That's it. I have a strong resentment towards this group and unfortunately for all the good things they have done for us, this is complete and utter bullshit. Especially because they have the money. The head of the organization has multiple million-dollar properties around the world.

Thanks for listening.
(not sure why this was removed from r/TrueOffMyChest)

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